Rehearsals continue for Teenage Dick, produced by Ma-Yi at the Public. If you're in NYC check it out June 12-July 15. Tix here:
Coming up in June I've also received a Project Springboard dance workshop of our musical Bhangin' It (music/lyrics by Sam Willmott, book by me and Rehana Mirza, and choreography by Rujuta Vaidya), courtesy of the Jerome Robbins Foundation. Press release here:
Rehana and I recently became Artists-in-Residence at La Jolla Playhouse, which is my hometown theater and the recent producers of my play Tiger Style! While in residence we'll be working on Bhangin' It and a trilogy they commissioned:
And finally, after 4 years of working there and 8 years of applying, I've just been accepted into the latest class of New Dramatists: